CRP Blood Test: Procedure, Preparation, and What to Expect

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein that is released into the blood by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. A CRP blood test determines the concentration of this protein in your blood and is useful for identifying a variety of infections or chronic inflammatory states. Knowledge about the procedure, expectations of the test and procedure, and general familiarity with what is to be done can significantly improve any anxiety associated with having this procedure done.

What is a CRP Blood Test?

A CRP blood test is one of the essential blood test parameters that help to identify inflammation in the body. CRP is produced in the liver and is released into the blood stream when tissues become inflamed because of infections, injuries or long-term conditions such as arthritis. High amounts of CRP signify the existence of inflammation and thus serves as a marker for disease progression or evaluating treatment outcomes.

Procedure for CRP Blood Test

The procedure for a CRP blood test is straightforward:

  1. Preparation: A CRP blood test does not request any form of preparation as fasting is not necessary for this test. It is also okay to consume food and beverages in the normal recommended amounts before going for the test.
  2. During the Test: Before the procedure the healthcare professional will scrub the chosen site with an antiseptic solution; in most cases the site is the bend of the elbow; the doctor will strap a band on the upper arm so as to facilitate visualization of the veins by the practitioner. They will then insert a needle into a vein to get a few drops of blood into a test tube or vial.
  3. Post-Test: Once there will be sufficient blood sampling, the needle will be taken out and an absorbent material like a cotton or a bandage will be applied. It may be necessary to apply pressure at the puncture site to reduce occurrences of the formation of a bruise.

The entire process typically takes just a few minutes, and discomfort is usually minimal—like a quick pinprick.

Preparation for a CRP Blood Test

Like other blood tests, there are no requirements to fast for CRP blood test, but it is recommended to avoid exercising vigorously before the test. There are no restrictions for diet or other activities about the preparatory process, so you may eat, drink, and take medications before the test. Before going for this test, it is important to disclose all your medications or supplements you are using since some drugs can alter the level of CRP in the blood.

What to Expect After the CRP Blood Test

The post-test can then be followed by normal activities with no significant effects from the test. There may be some redness or swelling around the entry site of the needle, but this is usually for a short time only. In case you develop prolonged bleeding, swelling or sharp pain in the puncture area you should consult your physician immediately.

Understanding CRP Test Results

CRP test results are expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/L) of blood. A normal concentration of CRP in the blood is usually below 10 mg/L. Elevated concentrations suggest inflammation, and the level of increase is proportional to the severity of the inflammation. CRP levels are compared with other tests and your medical history to establish what might be causing the inflammation.

Uses of CRP Blood Test

The CRP blood test is used in various clinical settings:

  • Infections: High CRP levels suggest that a person has bacterial infection like pneumonia or sepsis.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis or a lupus will cause inflammation that shows high CRP levels.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases: The CRP levels may serve as a biomarker for heart disease and stroke risk.

CRP Test Price

The cost of a CRP blood test may depend on the clinic, hospital, or doctor where the test was conducted, and the geographical location. In India, the price of a CRP blood test varies between ₹300 and ₹800 for an average price. There can also be additional charges for consultation or other tests that might be necessary for the doctor to make a diagnosis.


The CRP blood test is labeled as a potent diagnostic tool in cases of inflammation and as an efficient indicator of inflammation levels. Even though it offers significant detail, it is easy to perform, which makes it standard when diagnosing disorders in healthcare centres globally. Understanding the procedure, preparing for the test, and knowing what happens during and after the test will help you approach the CRP blood test confidently and get valuable information about your health status.

Therefore, the CRP blood test proves to be very useful in ensuring proper diagnosis and treatment of different diseases. From detecting the presence of a disease causing inflammation to managing a chronic illness, or knowing your heart disease risk, knowing your CRP levels through a CRP blood test is very insightful.