Know how Alcohol and Ambien Can Be a Deadly Combination

Insomnia and other sleep disorders affect more than half of Americans. Insomnia is a condition in which you have difficulty sleeping regularly. The most widely given medicine for insomnia or any other sleep problems is zolpidem, commonly called Ambien.

Ambien (zolpidem) is an FDA-approved prescription medicine used to treat insomnia for a brief period. The active ingredient in Ambien pills is a sedative-hypnotic medication. Because of the risk of abuse or dependence, Ambien is classified as a Schedule IV restricted substance. As a result, it is only recommended for short-term use and should not be used continuously. When a healthcare physician prescribes the pill, you should take it right before bedtime, when you can obtain at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep. Drowsiness, blurred eyesight, dizziness, decreased awareness, impaired driving, etc., are all common adverse effects.

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What Happens When You Mix Ambien with Alcohol?

  • Ambien’s label includes a caution regarding drinking alcohol when taking the medication. This is because combining Ambien with alcohol can result in hazardous cognitive and emotional impairment, as well as the risk of Ambien overdose.
  • Ambien is a sedative that assists with sleeping problems and is only accessible by prescription. Overdose can be fatal. Ambien’s effects will amplify if you mix it with alcohol and vice versa.
  • Ambien overdose is also more likely when combined with alcohol, which can result in loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties or problems, lips, fingernails, and skin becoming pale, having trouble waking up, a slowed heartbeat, or coma.

Therefore, while you are taking Ambien as per the doctor’s prescription, make sure you avoid drinking alcohol.