Top STIs and How They are Tested in the Lab

In recent years there has been a sudden spike in the number of people infected by STDs in the USA, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The body reported that in 2019, over 2 million Americans were infected by common STDs. STDs have adverse health effects if left untreated since they cause infertility, abortions, and, to the worst extend, death. Thanks to STD lab testing, patients who suspect that they contracted STDs can submit body fluids for analysis.

There are over 20 different STIs caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi existing today. Though they share various symptoms, STD lab testing uses different test screens for each of them. Here are the top sexually transmitted diseases and how they are tested.


AIDS is one the deadliest STI that is ever known to man to this date. The disease consumes a patient’s immunity leaving his body susceptible to infections. After the four stages of the disease have tormented the patients, the angel of death angles in to claim his prize, but with STD lab testing, the virus can be identified on time, giving the patient enough time to start treatment.

Testing for AIDS in adults requires the patient to submit a blood or saliva sample tested for antibodies linked to AIDS. If the tests show positive results, a more advanced test known as HIV nucleic acid test is carried out.

  • Syphilis

Before Alexander Fleming discovered syphilis cure, penicillin, the disease was killing thousands of people each year. Early historians stated that syphilis served its death slowly, seasoned with pain and desperation to infected people. Nowadays, STD lab testing is used to differentiate syphilis bacteria from other pathogens for patients suspecting to have contracted it.

Syphilis examination includes physical exams, especially on your pelvic area, accompanied by a series of lab tests. A VDRL ((Venereal Disease Research Laboratory­) and RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) tests are done on a blood sample from a patient.

  • Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is another stubborn STI causing sleepless nights for patients. Many doctors use physical extermination to identify critical characteristics presented by gonorrhea. If the doctor suspects you are infected with gonorrhea, he will proceed to do STD lab testing. Anal, mouth, and urine swabs are taken then analyzed for the disease.

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Less was known about HPV until the early 1980s as it was isolated from cancer cells. In men, the disease does not pose a big threat, unlike in ladies. It has been proven more than once that HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer in females. Therefore, women of any reproductive age with an insatiable appetite for sex should do HPV tests regularly.

A doctor will collect virginal cells and then conduct STD lab testing. If there are any abnormalities in those cells, there are high chances that you are infected with HPV.

STI lab testing helps patients identify what diseases they are infected with after a few rounds of unprotected sex. This saves lives since they can begin treatments as early as possible before the condition escalates beyond doctors’ control.