What are the Major Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction in Males?

Healthy sex life is considered the key to a healthy relationship. In most marriages, one dissatisfied partner starts to feel frustrated and looks for other ways to satisfy his or her physical needs. One of the common problems found in most males is erectile dysfunction in which he is not capable of keeping an erection for a long time. There may be a number of reasons for this medical problem and only an Erectile Dysfunction Doctor can help you get rid of it. A few major reasons for erectile dysfunction are elaborated below:

Anger issues

It can really be surprising but too much anger can cause severe health issues including erectile dysfunction. You might not be able to get or keep an erection if you have anger issues. If you are angry, you might not feel romantic and perform well in bed. Your mood makes a great difference when it comes to having sexual pleasure. That’s why, you should set your mood right and enjoy sex.

Mental health

Everything starts in your head. Likewise, when you worry too much about something, your brain suppresses the hormones that can make you feel romantic and enjoy sex. Some of the mental problems include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders and sadness have a bad impact on your sexual life and you may not be able to get an erection. If it happens for a long time, it may cause erectile dysfunction.

Stressful professional life

If you are overworked and cannot spend time at home, you are likely to experience erectile dysfunction. If you work for several hours in the office and without taking out time to rest, your body starts to interrupt the secretion of hormones, which can affect the overall well-being of a person. That’s why, it is strongly recommended to take weekends off and spend quality time with your loved ones.

Consumption of alcohol 

Many people drink alcohol before having sex because they claim that it keeps them in the mood. However, it can have a bad impact on the brain and overall body and make you lose your erection in a few minutes only.

Medical conditions

Some medical conditions can cause erection dysfunction such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In such diseases, you are likely to have a hard time getting an erection.

Depending on your medical condition, you can discuss it with your doctor. It is not a good idea to feel shy about this problem.